November 9, 2017 is the first annual Genetic Counselor (GC) Awareness Day. As a company dedicated to providing genetic information, we at CooperGenomics are so very proud of our expert genetic counseling team! They are a specially trained group who provide personalized information, guidance, and support to help others understand how genetics may impact their health and the health of their family.

In honor of both Genetic Counselor Awareness Day and Thanksgiving, we thought it was the perfect time to poll a few of our GCs to find out what they most appreciate about their role as genetic counselors.Below are their answers.

I’m thankful…

That families can make informed decisions utilizing genetic information. – Lauren Beretich

For the satisfaction in knowing that I help people understand complicated information in such a way that they can now make an informed decision about their genetic information and family history. – Angela Geist

To be a part of an ever-changing and evolving field.  I will forever be a student in many aspects. – Stephanie Sorenson

For our growing knowledge base, which we can use to support and educate our patients during their family-planning journeys. – Jennifer Gay

For a career that I not only find mentally fascinating but that also allows me to help others. – Shannon Wieloch

To be able to empower patients with a better understanding of their genetic risks. I often find people either over or underestimate their chance to develop a condition based on their family history and they’re surprised by what this information really means for them. – Kelsey Rolfe

Everyday that as a genetic counselor I have the privilege of helping patients navigate the complex space of genetic testing. Seeing patients gain a sense of empowerment from their test results is one of my greatest joys. – Sheila Johal

For being able to support patients through the preimplantation genetic diagnosis process, and to help them accomplish something that, at some point in their life, they never thought was possible. – Jeannie Klavanian

To be able to help clients unlock the secrets of their DNA. Knowledge is power. – Erin Carney